Thursday, March 26, 2020

Human Tech - Vi Amazing Ted Ed Talks On Language

June 10, 2015
Language is an amazing communicative phenomenon that has picked the involvement of linguists in addition to scientists across unlike disciplines. While nosotros create portion amongst other animals the mightiness to communicate using a linguistic communication shape of simply about sort, communicating using a linguistic code inwards the shape of encoded script remains the save of human beings. In fact, linguistic communication inwards its linguistic written shape is behind the evolution of humankind from primitive agrarian societies to highly technologized mobs.

To shed lite on simply about of the amazing features that characterize language, nosotros are sharing amongst yous this collection of TED Ed videos roofing  some interesting linguistic phenomena. Have a await in addition to portion amongst us what yous intend of them.

1- How languages evolve - Alex Gendler

2- The linguistic genius of babies - Patricia Kuhl

3- What nosotros learned from five 1 chiliad one thousand books - Erez Lieberman Aiden in addition to Jean-Baptiste Michel

4- Making feel of spelling - Gina Cooke

5- How did English linguistic communication evolve? - Kate Gardoqui

6- Redefining the lexicon - Erin McKean

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